Selasa, 13 Januari 2009

history of mathematic

Mathematic concept, mathematic problems, or solve mathematic in past epoch that still to use/ not to use in present epoch or opposite its.

1. I found mathematic concept, mathematic problems or solution of mathematic in past epoch and now is ready to use, such as :

a. Zero number of concept, that founded in past epoch in India, by Aryabhata. And use to Cacah Number of system.

b. Pythagoras theorems ( elbow ) have side 3-4-5 as sacred triangle.

c. Square wide ; K = ( a+c)(b+d)/4 with side rapidly a, b, c, and d.

Volume from pyramid that found by Egypt peoples in mathematic Moscow papyrus. That is : Vlimas = {h(a2+ab+b2 )}/ 3. a is base side, and line that connection base with top pyramid is b and high line is h . And if b=0, then limas of formula is Vlimas = (h.a2)/3.

d. Limit function that famous with rule” L’ Hospital ”.

e. Algebra system in Mesopotamia, the shape of hyperbola according to archimedes, the elliptical in algebra equation.

2. I found mathematic concept, problems or solution of mathematic in past epoch and now is not to use, such as :

a. Circle wide = ( 8/9 x 2r ) 2

= 64/81 x r2

= 256/81 x r2

= 3,16 r2

So, at the time, Egypt people found that p = 3,16.

b. In Rhind Papyrus is about algebra and geometry. Then times with use two columns.

3. I found mathematic concept , mathematic problems or solution of mathematic in present that haven’t relation with mathematic in past epoch, such as :

a. Topologi is geometry branch and found in 20 century by Prances mathematician ( Jules Henry ). Topologi is mathematic about continuities.

b. Solve mathematic with use close problems, open-ended problems, open problems.

about me

Foto saya
ok... im is cute girls but im not beautifull girls. rajin menabung 'n shoping. im like math b'coz im like klo dislike namanya ya dislike,:-) mathematic is foundation from other science, jadi sapa coba yang ga bisa mathematic? so do i, aku ga ngeCap klo aku tu jago mathematic but aku cuma bilang aku tau dikit about mathematic.. just little, ga banyak...!!!